Global Aging Research Network (GARN): dedicated to basic sciences, biological, behavioral and clinical gerontology.Experts are invited to exchange information about all types of topics related to Aging, set up contacts between professionals (specialists, academics, industry, health authorities, other scientific networks etc), and build collaborative research programs.

Program Chair
Leocadio Rodríguez Mañas, MD, PhD was elected as the new Director of GARN following predecessor Bruno Vellas MD, PhD.
At the end of last year (December, 2016), IAGG-GARN was composed by 584 centers, the majority of them based in Europe (297) but with a strong participation of groups established in Asia/Oceania region (140) and in North America (88).
With this outstanding background in mind, the next period should be dedicated to three main tasks:
A refinement in its organizational profile: Make the organization and management of the Network more participative by providing a cross-continental perspective
The relationship with the managerial structure of the IAGG, including the Scientific Committee: The growth of the Network makes it advisable to develop a bi-annual Plan, with updates of the same if necessary.
To raise joint research efforts in order to take advantage of the high potential stemming from GARN’s 548 research centers, thus promoting transnational and transcontinental research programs, which remains to be one of the networks main objectives.