IAGG Council of Student Organisations (IAGG-CSO) – Strategy 2023-26
- Our Vision: A welcoming global community that supports students and early career researchers (S/ECRs) to connect their passion with the gerontology and geriatrics discipline and collaborate to enhance quality of life and well-being of all people as they age.
- Our Mission: To build an interconnected, multi-disciplinary global network of student organisations that offers opportunities for learning, connection, and collaboration, in line with the mission of the IAGG.
- Our Goals
- Build a connected, global S/ECR community: Ensure the IAGG-CSO has a widespread, global reach and fosters regional and international connection and collaboration.
- Promote the global profile of gerontology and geriatrics: Foster S/ECR engagement with ageing-related research and support member organisations to build their S/ECR memberships.
- Create opportunities for sharing of knowledge and wisdom: Facilitate various events and opportunities that allow S/ECRs to build a global, multi-disciplinary knowledge base to support their journey in gerontology and geriatrics.
Lara Vlietstra
Kiirtaara Aravindhan
Vice President
Afzal Parvez Khan
Lachie Green
Asia Oceania Regional Representative
Emi Inagaki
Asia Oceania Regional Representative
IAGG CSO Social Media Terms of Reference
- Mission
The Social Media Editor (and team) will mobilise online engagement and oversee social media for the International Association of Gerontology & Geriatrics Council of Student Organizations. They will create and share content on social media platforms (e.g. X and LinkedIn) that is of interest to IAGG members as well as highlighting member achievements.
- Application for position of Social Media Editor
- The position of Social Media Editor is open to members of IAGG CSO committee.
- An expression of interest call will be made to eligible members.
- The Social Media Editor will be elected by the IAGG CSO committee and endorsed by the President of the IAGG. Preference will be given to applicants that have previous experience utilizing social media platforms, strong verbal and written communication skills and are passionate about the role of social media in geriatrics and gerontology, research communications and academia.
- Duration of Term
- Membership is for three years and will align with the CSO committee term.
- Roles and Responsibilities of Social Media Editor
The Social Media Editor will be responsible for managing the IAGG CSO social media accounts (e.g. X and LinkedIn) and will abide by IAGG policies.
The content of original posts and re-posts deemed appropriate are as follows:
- IAGG CSO member news, upcoming IAGG CSO events (e.g. conferences, webinars) and IAGG CSO member opportunities if they arise (e.g. grants, scholarships).
- IAGG CSO member achievements (e.g. grants/fellowships/awards).
- IAGG CSO member publications. These publications should be restricted to original articles and not opinion pieces (e.g. editorials, letters to the editor).
- News and events (e.g. webinars) organised by IAGG CSO members on behalf of their national committee, organization or institution.
- News, events and opportunities from our affiliated societies and organizations.
- Publications that are of interest to our membership. These publications should be restricted to original articles and not opinion pieces (e.g. editorials, letters to the editor).
- Non-society-led initiatives/promotions/public awareness campaigns etc in geriatrics and gerontology (e.g. Day of the Older Person). Create a post that focusses on the content of the initiative that may be of interest to IAGG CSO members to ensure neutrality.
- Original content from the IAGG CSO aimed at increasing the engagement of society members (e.g. member spotlights).
- Links to IAGG CSO member surveys. These member-based surveys are written to seek member feedback and provide information about the IAGG membership. All surveys need to be approved by the IAGG President prior to circulation.